- Net Price Calculator - An excellent financial aid calculator published by the Texas Higher Education Coordinating
- Direct Lending Loan website - Once you have accepted a student loan on CougarWeb, the system will create an electronic
loan application. The loan application will then be transmitted electronically to
the Direct Lending platform. Once there, you will be notified via e-mail to log in
to the site and complete the loan application including signing your master promissory
You will need your FAFSA ID in order to sign in.
In addition, this website can provide answers regarding types of student loans, interest rates, repayment responsibilities, entrance counseling, exit counseling, consolidation, loan services and rights and responsibilities as a student and of the school.
- Entrance and Exit Counseling - All first time loan borrowers at Collin are required to complete
entrance loan counseling. All students who fall below half time and/or leave Collin are required to
complete exit loan counseling.
(All students receiving Stafford loans MUST be attending at least half time to be eligible for the
loans.) - Education Tax Credits - IRS Publication 970. Tax Benefits for Education
- Selective Service - Men aged 18-25 are required to register with Selective Service. Students who
are required to register with the Selective Service must do so to be eligible for State Student Aid
- National Student Loan Data System - All loans; subsidized, unsubsidized and parent PLUS loans
awarded through Collin College will be submitted to the National Student Loan Data System
(NSLDS) and will be accessible by guaranty agencies, lenders and schools determined to be
authorized users of the data system. - The Texas Higher Education Coordinating Board- also known as THECB. THECB's website
contains a wealth of information about higher education in the State of Texas, including sources of
financial aid such as exemptions and waivers. Simply click on "Visit My Texas Future" to view these resources.
Note: You will need to create a free account. - Federal Student Aid Information - 800.433.7327
- Federal Student Aid Ombudsman - 877.557.2575
- Direct Loan Servicing - 800.848.0979
- Direct Loan Consolidation - 800. 557.7392
- COD School Relations - Applicant Services - 800.557.7394
Beyond High School
Click here to see a video that explains how to navigate the FAFSA. Especially designed to assist parents with the process.
Other Important Information
Income-Based Loan Repayment program or IBR
On July 1, 2009, a major new student loan repayment option will become available
for the
first time. Income-Based Repayment (IBR) caps monthly federal loan payments at
affordable level based on your income and family size, and forgives any debt and
that remains after 25 years. If you owe more on your federal student loans than
you earn
in a year, you can probably benefit from IBR. The lower your income, the lower
monthly payment will be: in some cases, as low as $0. IBR is available for almost
federal loans - past, present, or future - made by any lender, whether for college
graduate school.
For more information, including a simple calculator to estimate monthly payments,
please visit www.IBRinfo.org.
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